All posts by Metwally
Celebrating Success: Named Outstanding Partner of the Year by EC Innovations
As we step into the promising realms of 2024, I am honored and thrilled to share some exciting news with you – EC Innovations, a translation company I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with, has bestowed upon me the esteemed title of “Outstanding Partner of the Year.” This recognition is not just a personal achievement;…
4 Key Challenges in Legal Translation
Legal translation is undeniably one of the most crucial forms of translation throughout history, particularly in our modern era. Legal translation demands a consistently high level of precision, as even a minor error can result in immeasurable consequences. Translators in this field may also find themselves facing legal scrutiny and potential financial repercussions. Legal translation…
Top 8 Websites to Help Translators Attract New Clients and Generate Income
For novice translators embarking on a freelance translation career, the foremost question often centers around how to secure their inaugural translation project. Many have endeavored to engage with various translation agencies and companies, only to discover that most stipulate a substantial prerequisite of prior experience. This raises the inquiry: Are there alternative avenues through which…
Unlocking Business Success through Translation
Translation, one of humanity’s most ancient skills, acts as a vital conduit connecting different civilizations and people. It’s important to recognize that fluency in multiple languages doesn’t necessarily equate to proficiency in translation. Translation is, at its core, a cerebral process that demands specialized skills, dedicated study, rigorous training, and a profound comprehension of the…
Comprehending Translation Quality through Fundamental Standards
The act of translation entails the transference of a written text from one language to another with the objective of interpreting it in a manner congruent with the original author’s intent. It is widely recognized that the ability to speak multiple languages does not inherently bestow the capacity for translation. Translation is a cognitive process…
Translation Quality: Striking a Balance Between Aspiration and Reality
Translation quality stands as a paramount concern for every translator, whether they are embarking on their professional journey or have accumulated a lifetime of experience in the field. This commitment to quality applies equally to written and spoken translation. But who determines the quality of a translation and sets the standards? Is it the translator…
Can Human Translators Be Dispensed With?
The pivotal role of computers in our daily lives is undeniable. They stand as pillars of our modern era, executing tasks and streamlining processes in unprecedented ways. This influence extends to the field of translation, where the significance of modern tools and computer-assisted translation technologies like CAT Tools cannot be underestimated. Even professional translators find…
Determining When a Translator Should Apologize for Declining a Translation Project
The concept of declining work is not frequently encountered within the realm of freelancers, including translators. Clients often possess a distinct perspective when it comes to translation and the freelance industry in general. They prioritize factors such as cost-effectiveness, superior quality, and swift turnaround times. Consequently, this inclination often compels translators and other professionals to…
5 Strategies to Assist Freelance Translators in Efficient Time Management
Five Ways to Help Freelance Translators Manage Their Time Freelancers, including translators, often find themselves grappling with tight schedules and an apparent inability to complete their assignments. Nevertheless, the primary challenge is not necessarily a lack of time management skills but rather a failure to adhere to a well-structured task list. Many individuals mistakenly perceive…
Maximizing Productivity During Free Time: A Guide for Translators
It’s common for people to blur the lines between leisure and free time. While leisure is essential for translators and everyone else, free time should ideally be utilized for productive activities. Success isn’t solely determined by the hours spent at work; it’s also influenced by what one does outside of work hours. You might expect…